Regain Your Power
With Bec D Transformation Coach

Introduction to Access Bars®


Ever want to know more about Access Bars®? But can't do a full day Practitioner Training or not interested in becoming a Certified Practitioner? Then this is the workshop for you.

2 Hours learning how to help family & friends with relax their body and mind.

Learn 3 of the basic Bars points in this class to help others including those you love (family, kids, grandkids, friends & work colleagues).

Have your Bars run twice, gift Bars twice in the workshop.

Clear handout to take home and practice until you become confident.

Please note: You will not be a fully qualified Practitioner after this workshop. You will learn the 3 main Bars to help yourself and others in this 2 hour workshop.

This will be a relaxing 2 hours. It's a hands on learning. You'll be running another person's Bars twice and you'll be receiving a treatment yourself twice, so you'll feel relaxed after your 2 hours and you'll have a skill to help yourself and those you love to relax & empty their minds.

Wear comfortable clothes, you'll be lying down for most of the 2 hours we are together.

Introduction to Access Bars


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Access Bars®


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