Seated Indian Head Massage

15 Min  $15
30 Min  $30

We spend so much time in our heads. So this traditional healing art can really help to create a balance by calming the mind and spirit as well as relieving muscular tension.

This seated chair massage to the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck, head and face is valuable to all. My clients report individual experiences, some of which include "feeling lighter", calmer, having headaches relieved and "feeling energised". The results are individual and cannot be predicted for this reason.

It's best to wear layers to your appointment with a strappy top or singlet. Many of my regular lady clients choose a strapless top or dress to wear to their appointment.

How Seated Indian Head Massage Helps People

Benefits of Seated Indian Head Massage include:

  • Relieves eye strain
  • Relieves insomnia
  • Eases headaches and migraines. (I had a client who had a migraine for 2 days, jaw was locked, eyes were glassy when she came to see me) 15 minutes in the chair with some specialised attention and her headache was gone!
  • Relaxes muscles
  • Stimulates the hair and scalp
  • Helps localised blood and lymphatic circulation
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Relieves sinusitis
  • Reduces Stress
  • Releases Anxiety

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