Meditation VLOG


Here you'll find my meditations. Some help you come down into your body, some are for healing and release and some are for creating ease in your body and your soul. If you subscribe to my YouTube Channel - Bec D Transformation - and click the bell icon, you will receive notification each time I release a new video. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Bec D Transformation

I AM SAFE with
Bec D Transformation

One with Self with
Bec D Transformation

This One Off Channelled Meditation came through during my live event on Sunday 16th October for those who were in the room with me during my Sunday Night Meditations at Pacific Paradise. It went live on YouTube on my Channel on Friday 21st October 2022 at 5.45am. Please subscribe to my channel to receive notifications of when I upload new videos. Supporting my YouTube Channel helps others find me & receive from my gifts, it also helps the algorithms and helps my channel grow. Thank you in advance for the thumbs up.

Receiving Love with
Bec D Transformation

This One Off Channelled Meditation came through during my live event on Sunday 4th September for those who were in the room with me during my Sunday Night Meditations at Pacific Paradise. It went live on YouTube on my Channel on Wednesday 7th September 2022 at 5.45am. Please subscribe to my channel to receive notifications of when I upload new videos. Supporting my YouTube Channel helps others find me & receive from my gifts, it also helps the algorithms and helps my channel grow. Thank you in advance for the thumbs up.

Divine Connection with
Bec D Transformation

This One Off Channelled Meditation came through during my live event on Sunday 12th June for those who were in the room with me during my Sunday Night Meditations at Rosemount. It will go live on YouTube on my Channel on Wednesday 15th June 2022 at 6am. Please subscribe to my channel to receive notifications of when I upload new videos. Supporting my YouTube Channel helps others find me & receive from my gifts, it also helps the algorithms and helps my channel grow. Thank you in advance for the thumbs up.

Navigating Ascension Energies with Bec D Transformation

Lions Gate 8-8 New Moon in Leo Channelled Meditation with Bec D Transformation

Letting Go with Bec D Transformation

Hi everyone, letting go of control can be difficult when it's all we've known. So I felt to just put together this short 20 minute meditation to assist us all to surrender the heaviness to Mother Earth and invite in healing. I hope it's a contribution to you all. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Releasing Fear with Bec D Transformation

Hi everyone, 2020-2021 has been a time where a lot of people are living in fear, fear of the unknown, fear of each other and fear of the government. So I felt to just put together this short 20 minute meditative journey to assist us all to release the fear we may be feeling. I hope it's a contribution to you all. Wishing you a beautiful day from Bec D TransformationFind out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Full Moon Meditation Recorded live June 24 2021

This was recorded live on June 24th Full Moon with a Channelled Meditation on the Sunshine Coast. It's 45 minutes in length. We were guided through a journey opening our hearts to receive love, dropping walls & barriers around the heart and discovering the power and magic within. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

New Moon Meditation Recorded live June 10 2021

This meditation was recorded live at a Meditation event on the New Moon in Gemini on June 10 2021 during the solar eclipse. It is channelled and guided and goes for 59 minutes. It will take you through a relaxation process and into the guided meditation. This meditation will invite you to release the things of old and welcome in the New. This is a healing meditation which will help you let go, surrender and feel lighter. It takes you on a journey of connection to your infinite, higher, true self with an invitation to open your heart to you. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Full Moon Meditation Recorded live May 26 2021

This meditation was recorded live at a Meditation event on the Full Moon on June 26 2021 during the Blood Moon and celestial alignment. It is channelled and guided and goes for 45 minutes. It will take you through a relaxation process and into the guided meditation. This meditation will invite you to release the things of old and welcome in the New. This is a beautiful heart chakra opening meditation. When we live with an open heart, we connect to us and others in a more meaningful way. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

New Moon Meditation Recorded live April 11 2021

This meditation was recorded live at a Meditation event on the New Moon on April 11 2021. It is channelled and guided and goes for 45 minutes. It will take you through a relaxation process and into the guided meditation. This meditation will invite you to release the things of old and welcome in the New. This is a beautiful journey into acknowledging you during the meditation, how far you have already journeyed, to pause and reflect and celebrate. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Out of Ashes

This 40 minute meditation is a meditation taking you on a forgiveness journey. Leaving behind the heaviness of unforgiveness, resentment, anger and judgement. Coming out of it refreshed and renewed. Reborn like the Phoenix - rising out of the ashes of the traps of negative patterns and programs. When we realise our thoughts create our reality and our feelings magnetise to us that which we think about, we learn to be more present with the way we think and feel. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Body Scan Meditation with Bec D

This meditation is on my Home page along with a link to my meditation playlist on YouTube. It takes you on a scan of your body, bringing you into your body, acknowledging your body and sending loving vibrations to each part of your body. This is a particularly great meditation for those who spend a lot of time in their heads, suffer anxiety and are disconnected from their bodies. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Creating Ease with Bec D

This short 19 minute teaching and light meditation is an exercise to assist you to manage stress using the word "ease" to anchor peace in your heart so you can go about your day with a peaceful heart. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Creating A New Earth

This short 20 minute meditation is an invitation to creating a new earth with me. The kind of world that could be if we all lived consciously realising that it is us that create our reality and therefore also the world in which we live. It's a guided visualisation towards an Earth where there is no famine, where we all share what we have and create balance with Mother Nature. Where greed no longer exists because everyone has enough. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Manifestation Meditation

In this short 30 minute meditation, I take you on a journey to manifest your desires. After a short expansion exercise, I'll lead you to creating the desires of your heart. When we realise our thoughts create our reality and our feelings magnetise to us that which we think about, we learn to be more present with the way we think and feel. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

This interview was recorded live on Zero Point Healing with Vishnupriya Aristo

This is an interview I was invited to do on Zero Point Healing. In the interview I share some of my background and what has led me to leave Nursing to do this healing work I now do. There is a beautiful 30 Minute meditation at the end that has an expansion exercise to start and we chat in the interview about Quantum Physics and the basis of energy healing. When we realise our thoughts create our reality and our feelings magnetise to us that which we think about, we learn to be more present with the way we think and feel. Find out more about future online or live events and register online and attend either an online or live meditation event go to my Events page

Live overseas? Live in Rural locations? Need healing?
Let's do an online healing via video conferencing

Would you like help to shift emotional or physical pain? Would you like to remove blocks to your success? In this brief 14 minute video you'll hear from Maria from Essex in the United Kingdom and Vishnupriya from India and how online video healing assisted them with healing and progressing their businesses.

Medicine You Won't Hear About Because It's FREE

The Healing power of Earthing. You Won't Hear about because it's FREE - The Healing power of Earthing. Earthing restores our negative /positive ion balance. It connects us to the living essence of Mother Earth where we came to thrive and experience all of life with abundance, joy and glory. (The exuberant expression of happiness). This is a 3 minute reminder of the power of Earthing/Grounding.

Living Your Best Life

This is a short 12 minute teaching and invitation to tap into what's happening within you. It encourages us to step up and let go of blame, doubts, fears and anxieties. Everything is an opportunity to learn.

Short Grounding Meditation

This is a short 16 minute meditation relaxing you as I encourage you to lie on the Earth. The art of "grounding" has been largely lost in modern society. Walking barefoot and lying on the Earth helps to recharge us, it balances us with negative electrons and has many health benefits. Learn more in this 60 minute documentary here.

Listening to Your Body - Expansion Exercise

This short 22 minute video is a teaching on healing and choice. It includes an expansion exercise, if you've never done one before, it's well worth investing your 22 minutes here. You can access the Earthing Documentary I mention in this video here.

The Power of Gratitude
Increasing your Prospering Power

This short 20 Minute is a teaching on the prospering power of gratitude, on changing our points of view of ourselves and others. It's a short meditation process to assist you to expand your heart chakra and practicing the art of gratitude and the healing and prosperity it can bring.

Choosing Healing Expansion Exercise

This is a short 20 minute expansion exercise and meditation is relaxing and I invite you to choose energy healing through the meditation and let go of any energy blocks you are ready to heal.

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